Forgetting Skin Is The Biggest Organ Of The Human Body. #264

Sometimes We Forget Our Skin Is An Organ. So We Tend To Mistreat It In That Forgetfulness. Our skin is the biggest organ of the human body. But we treat it like an impermeable outer shell that protects the more important inner organs from most things. Our skin though is just as important and we…

Eliminate Thinking Of Help As A Burden #263

When Others Try To Help Sometimes We See It As A Burden. And How That Help Is Only Going To Make More Work For Ourselves. We can’t look at it this way. We have to see it for what it is. Help through the kindness of the other person’s heart. Even if it does require…

The Germ Is Nothing, The Terrain Is Everything. #262

The Germ Is Nothing, The Terrain Is Everything. These Were Some Of Louis Pasteur Final Words Of Warning. Why would the father of pasteurization. Who was a renowned biologist microbiologist and chemist. One that contributed heavily to the science of vaccination and germ remediation. Say, “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything?” Because he…

Context Framing #261

Context Framing Is When We Edit Out Information In Order To Fit Our Own Agenda. Something To Avoid. Give the whole picture and allow everyone to judge for themselves. This always happens in politics. It’s actually quite sickening how much this tactic is used. You’ll often see an agenda of shining a negative light on…

Limit Monoculture. #260

We Need To Limit Monoculture And Cultivating A More Permaculture Society As Well As In Nature. Monoculture is the cultivation of one crop. Which has become so pervasive in nature that it’s elements have stretched into the human condition. One crop, one business, one industry to dominate all others in a territory. In nature she…

Don’t Brace Yourself With The Ejector Seat Handle. #259.

What A Great Life Metaphor. As Well As Helpful Advice If You’re Ever Going To Fly In A Jet. Hand’s Off The Ejector Seat Handle. In France a 64 year old man was lucky enough to be gifted a passenger flight on a fighter jet. If you don’t already know fighter jets are equipped with…