Blowing It Scenario #40-Crony Capitalism On Full Display In Georgia.

Georgia Governor And Other Georgia Republicans Vow To Cut Tax Breaks To Delta Airlines If They Don’t Reinstate NRA Benefits. We hear about crony capitalism all the time but we rarely get to watch it on full display in the public eye. The Georgia Governor have vowed to pull tax breaks to delta airlines which…

Blowing It Scenario #39-Childhood Obesity Rates Remain High.

We Continue To See High Childhood Obesity Rates With No Evidence Of Decline. It was recently published in pediatrics magazine that we have made zero progress on decreasing the childhood obesity rate here in the U.S. This generations failures have got to make way for future generations success. At least that’s what we anticipated with…

Blowing It Scenario #38-Vaping.

Vaping may be more toxic then just good old fashioned smoking. A study was recently released that vaping or e-cigarettes contained high levels of of toxic metals. Such as cadmium, chromium, lead magnesium, nickel and in some cases arsenic. Often times when knew technology comes out we sometimes think it must be safer then the…

Blowing It Scenario #37-Drinking Alcohol To Live Past 90.

A Study Came Out Claiming That If You Want To Live To 90 Moderate Drinking May Help You Get There. This is just crazy to me. I really don’t know how this study came across this hypothesis or how they determined such an end result since the study began in 2003. It just perpetuates the…

Blowing It Scenario #35-Don’t Blow It With A Tax Refund Scam.

Tax Season Is Ripe Pickings For Criminals, Be Vigilant When Filing. It’s that time of year. For some it’s a wonderful time where the government gives you back a nice little tax refund. For many others it’s the worst time of year. Already hampered by the never ending tax bill you pay in your day…