Divorce (Blowing It Scenario #120).

Divorce Is One Of The Biggest Life And Relationship Lessons One Can Receive. Don’t Waste It. Divorce was never even in my conscious realm. I thought I did everything right. Never cheated, Never used drugs, Never uttered bad name towards the other, only built up each other, Went to bed every night together, every evening…

Curse Of Knowledge Blowing It Scenario #119).

This Is When You Are Knowledgeable In A Particular Subject Or Have Some Form Heightened Understanding. Sometimes When You Know Something And Grasp It, It Can Have An Adverse Effect On You. You’re Cursed In The Sense You Believe Everyone Carries This Same Knowledge. You become handicapped by this belief and don’t utilize your abilities…

Taking Yourself To Seriously (Blowing It Scenario #118).

Life’s Too Short, Have Fun, Be Playful, Get Creative. Sit back, relax, kick off your shoes and throw up your feet. Let me be your leisure coach for a brief minute. Too often in our lives we take ourselves far too seriously. So much so it often comes back to bite us in our ass….

Impulsivity (Blowing It Scenario #117).

A Lack Of Proper Judgment And Restraint In Decision Making. Boy is this one fun though. It’s fun to be impulsive at times to just fly out to a new destination on a whim, kiss the girl of your dreams, buy the car you’ve always wanted, go cliff diving, . The problem is not in…

Indecision (Blowing It Scenario #116).

A Lack Of Decision Making Skills. How often do we go through life debating with ourselves about what we truly want, only never to land on a definitive answer? This is the crux of the problem with indecision. We find ourselves stuck in neither what we want and can’t seem to find exactly what we…

Allergies (Blowing It Scenario #115)

Screw You Histamines. Look pollen you can stop already, I get you serve a purpose but at what cost? Can I get a little reprieve from this incessant sneezing? These allergies are off the charts this season. I am completely kidding about pollen taking a break. I know it serves a much greater purpose than…

Distraction (Blowing It Scenario #114)

An Attraction That Steals One’s Focus. I thinks it’s safe to say we live in the most distracting era ever in history. We have endless entertainment laying in wait in our pockets or handbags. Just at the tips of our fingers we can contact anyone in the world and they can contact us. Either with…

Suicide (Blowing It Scenario #113).

Suicide Is A Very Sensitive Subject But I Feel It Needs To Be Addressed. This week we lost two big names in the entertainment and fashion industry. Two people who to the outside world seemed to have it all. A women who started a fashion empire with her beloved handbags and a food critic travel…

Slumps (Blowing It Scenario #112)

We All Get Into Them And The Only Way To Beat It Is To Play Through It. No matter what it be; sport, writing, marriage, dating. We will all hit a slump at some point. In sports you see it all the time. In basketball shooters can’t hit a shot to save their life. Kickers…

Watching True Crime Shows (Blowing It Scenario #111)

Is It Our Sick Sense Of Curiosity that Keeps Us Watching? I wasted a whole day recently watching a true crime documentary on Netflix. Absolutely nothing came of it. I was just left feeling somewhat depressed. Not only that I wasted a day watching this nonsense, but that I voyeuristically watched as real crimes took…