Money As Your Sole Motivator #173.

It’s A Vapid And Vacant Equations. No Amount Of Money Will Ever Add Up To Fulfillment. Money has no meaning, it’s not real. It’s purely an idea that we use as a value exchange. If I value what you have, I will in turn transfer you my numbers or paper that I have been collecting…

Staleness Of An Argument #171.

Making The Same Argument Over And Over Again Is Often Like Beating The Dead Horse. However on the flip side of that saying there is another. Which says the squeky wheel gets the grease. Meaning those who stay persistent and vocal will eventually reap the rewards. This is different than when an argument goes flat…

Applying Baby Powder #170.

Baby Powder Has Had Cancerous Asbestos In It All Along. Talc, the main ingredient in baby powder. Is usually mined within very close proximity to asbestos. Making the cancerous powder substance quite unavoidable and contamination of baby powder is frequent. Something Johnson and Johnson has known as early on as the fifties. The company has…

Buying Into Multilevel Marketing #169.

If You’re Not The Owner Of The Multilevel Marketing Company Than You’re The One Getting Conned. What other job on the planet forces you to pay them in order to essentially be their employee? Than in turn making you a nuisance to your friends and family, all because they are the only people left for…

Don’t Always Conform #168.

Be Unapologetically Yourself And Don’t Always Conform To Societal Norms. Some societal norms are of necessity to conform too. As to not harm other individuals with your actions. Don’t kill cheat or steal these are things we can agree to conform too to protect our fellow man. But in other areas of life we need…

Don’t Wear Headphones While Charging Phone #167.

It Seems Like Common Sense To Not Wear Headphones While Charging. But Even I Was Unaware You Could Get Electrocuted And Die From An Electrical Surge. With some chargers being so cheaply made in order to keep them as inexpensive possible. In this glut and over abundance we are bound to run into some occasions…

Forgive #166.

Why Does If Feel Like If We Make Any Little Mistake, We’ll Pay For It For The Rest Of Our Lives? Forgive And Move Forward. Why is it we find this so difficult to forgive? No matter what we do or say someone somewhere will always find offense with it. It’s impossible to be perfect…

Confirmation Bias #165

Don’t Believe Everything You Hear Or Read. Avoid Confirmation Bias In The Wrong Information. Especially on this website. These articles are my developed cognitive biases. You don’t have use them to be your confirmation bias. There will always be information to either support or reject your ideas and hypothesis. Be sure to do your research…

The Fear Of Missing Out (Blowing It Scenario #164)

It’s A Easy Fix, If Have A Fear Of Missing Out On Something. Simply Change What You Desire Or That Which You Value Most. Easier said than done most will say. Some might even fear change itself. That’s a very tough predicament to find yourself in, with all those elevated levels of fear. For those…