Blowing It Scenario #107-Over Complicating.

There Is Such Beauty In Simplicity. I Like To Believe Perfection Is Found In The Imperfections. Because that’s exactly how it was supposed to be. Just let it be. Why must we over complicate things? We do it to our lifestyles, we believe we must own the best of everything, the best house, the best…

Blowing It Scenario #106-Buying Into Diamond Marketing.

Diamonds Are Abundant And Artificially Kept Scarce By One Company Who Maintains A Monopoly On The Industry. Can we finally get passed this idea that diamonds are anything more than a simple polished rock. We’re near given a complex when buying fancy jewelry or engagement rings. The prices are exorbitant and the marketing has been…

Blowing It Scenario #105-Assumptions.

What’s That Old Saying? “When You Assume Something, You Make An “Ass” Of Both “U” And “Me”” It’s a ridiculous statement but there are some truths to it. Assumptions are pure guess work that you deduce through personal biases. Depending on what we assume, we could be setting ourselves free or shackling ourselves to ideas…

Blowing It Scenario #103-Opposites Attracting.

Not Sure How This Idea Behind Magnetism Became A Common Saying About Human Relationships. Tell me if you have heard this one before or if you’ve ever told yourself, opposites attract? It’s a very common saying and belief. And although it’s very true if you are a pair of magnets. It doesn’t so much correlate…

Blowing It Scenario #102-Enabling Others To Be Helpless.

We Often Think We’re Helping Others By Giving Them What They Want Or Think They Need But Not Allowing Them To Do It For Themselves Often Hurts Them More Then It Helps. A 30 year old man in upstate New York had to be summoned to court by his parents this week. Because they had…

Blowing It Scenario #101-Sexual Repression.

Does Sexual Repression Manifest Itself As Sexual Aggression? Withhold anything that’s strongly wanted and there will grow a burning desire to obtain these things. Sometimes these wants will be transmuted into new desires. Does the same hold true for sex? Sex is simply a part of human nature and will always be desired in some…

Blowing It Scenario #100-Lack Of Action Or Poor Action Choices.

The 4 Stages Of Action Theory. Action is paramount to life. And this is our basic theory on how different actions impact you in different ways. You can add complexity to any given idea and the same holds true to this theory. But for sake of argument I have simplified it to four specific stages….

Blowing It Scenario #99-Selfish Acts.

Imagine If We Changed The Name Self Help Industry To “Other’s Help” Instead And We Focused On Improving The Lives Of Others, How Much More Beneficial And Further Reaching That Would Be. Not that their is anything wrong with self help but when we stop at just the self we aren’t really improving anything around…

Blowing It Scenario #98-Projecting Insecurities.

Projecting Your Insecurities Upon Another. Projecting is sometimes a defense mechanism for these insecurities. If you’re uncomfortable with a certain appearance, lifestyle, race, or gender, you may project insults at them in order to overcompensate for those insecurities. For instance if you think some one of another gender can do better work than you, you…