Blowing It Scenario #107-Over Complicating.

There Is Such Beauty In Simplicity. I Like To Believe Perfection Is Found In The Imperfections.

Because that’s exactly how it was supposed to be. Just let it be. Why must we over complicate things? We do it to our lifestyles, we believe we must own the best of everything, the best house, the best car, the best spouse, the job that pays great and covers all the expenses for all your over complications but in turn keeps you locked in at 80+ hours a week or worse yet keeps you constantly at their beck and call with endless email and phone calls even during our down time.

And then we will in turn do it to our relationships. We’ll think we need things from our partner, the house, the car, the kids and when we find out those complications aren’t always the answers. We’ll look to get back to the basics but it might already be too late. Put yourself in position to be with the right person and everything you want from each other will come as a simple task, it will be as close to second nature as possible because you’ll both be working together towards the same simple goals you set out in the beginning. But regardless of all you do for each other, in the end we’ll all realize love was all we really needed.

Because sometimes in our blind pursuit of over complication of everything we begin to neglect what’s important, the simple things, the perfect things. Love, friendship, life. They all take work but its the simplest form of work. Love another and you’ll be loved, be a friend and you’ll receive one, enjoy life and life will bless you with abundance that freely comes to you because the best things in life are free. How much more simple can you get. So for argument sake I’ll keep this article simple. Life can be so easy, let’s not over complicate it.

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