Strike While The Iron Is Hot #163.

Strike While The Iron Is Hot, The Only Thing That Should Prevent You Is Other Hotter Irons. Strike while the iron is hot is some of the best advice their is. So simple in its message, so succinct. Yet we often don’t heed it till its far too late. And what once was hot is…

Craving Attention #162.

Stop Craving Attention In The Wrong Way. We Can Hear And See You Just Fine. You Can Turn Down The Volume On That Boisterous Voice Of Yours. It has always baffled me how some need constant focus on themselves. As if your attention isn’t ever needed elsewhere. And is only best suited on them. Always…

Theft #161.

Stealing Is Never The Right Answer. And With The Holidays Approaching Theft Happens Even More Often. It Takes A Special Kind Of Low To Take From Another. It’s that time of year, with all the wonderful giving, there is a select few who are performing theft. You’ll watch it on the local news almost nightly….

Commute To Work #159.

What Cost You Money, Time And Energy, Just So You Can Give Your Time And Energy To Make Money? It’s your commute It’s that hellatious daily commute we all love so dearly. Unless you live where you work, you have one. And if you have one you know all to well about the daily plight…

The Keto Diet #158.

I Do In Fact Believe Keto Is One Of The Best Ways To Lose Weight, But We Should Always Counter That With A Question. Is This Even A Healthy Way To Lose? Skinny Does Not Necessarily Mean Optimal Health? How many different ways can we label this diet of high fats, high protein and low…

Believing Toothpaste To Be Harmless #157.

Pop Quiz. What Is The Household Item That We Willingly Put In Our Mouths Twice A Day That Has A Warning To Call Poison Control If Ingested On It? One more hint in case you missed it. Children often accidentally swallow and ingest it. Still haven’t guessed it? Well it is your beloved toothpaste. That…

Think And Grow Rich #156.

You Will Accomplish Zero By Applying The Think and Grow Rich Principle. Thoughts Without Action Will Render Nothing. Think As Much As You Want. Than Go Ahead And Multiple That Thinking By A Billion. The Math Will Always Add Up The Same. Zero Times Anything Is Still Zero. We love to eat up the notion…

Dying For Image #155.

Image Is Everything Is What We’re Instructed To Believe. It’s Simply Not True And We Need Not Give Up Everything In Order Obtain It. All that truly matters is how we view ourselves and are we living up to that view. We needn’t worry how others view us but history has shown us that is…