Blowing It Scenario #13-Watching The State Of The Union Speech

Why Even Watch? There’s Two Sides To This Coin, Neither All That Positive. Hogwash, far be it from me to believe that their isn’t much conviction in the words spoken in these addresses. And when their is, it’s not usually shining the most positive light. So what do I do, I attempt to avoid it….

Blowing It Scenario #12-I am Blowing It

Me, The Author, I Am Consistently Blowing It. That’s what life and growth is all about, an endless run in with failures, that you learn and grow from. With each new post I’m blowing it. Some of my writing may be profound, but most will be perfunctory. Many articles will come off sounding pretentious. How…

Blowing It Scenario #9-How High End Smart Phones Are Blowing It.

High End Smartphone Makers Alike Have Failed Us In Many Ways. Smart phones have changed nearly every facet of life for almost of us, over the past decade. In some ways for the better, but in many more for theĀ  worse. Never before have we willing carried devices that can track our every moves. It…

Blowing it Scenario #8-World Economic Forum

It’s A Failure To Have A Few Wealthy Individuals Wax Intellectual About Economics Without Hearing The Plight Of The Common Man. Every year the top business people and those in banking and government get together in Davos, Switzerland to discuss the economics of the day. I do believe in some form or another that it…

Blowing It Scenario #7-Cryptocurrency Investors

Or Should I Say Cryptocurrency Gamblers. Are They Blowing It? I’m no Oracle Of Omaha nor do I carry the Principles of a Ray Dalio. However many can see the underlying failures of the cryptocurrency market. I believe it was Joesph Kennedy who once quipped in the years follow the great depression, “when the paper…

Blowing It Scenario #6-Doctors And The U.S. Gymnastics Team Blew It

How Doctors Are Failing Us. Exposed Through The Lens Of The U.S. Gymnastics Team. It recently came out that the women’s U.S. gymnastics team doctor has been molesting the team for years. Hundreds of poor innocent children, girls who couldn’t know any better. Girls who just wanted to become the best in the world at…

Blowing It Scenario #5-Netflix

Netflix Created A Market, Now That Market Is Over Saturated. There was a time I absolutely loved my Netflix membership. Movies and shows on demand. We should be so lucky. We are spoiled in every since of the word with technology. As the years wore on and new players came into the market. Netflix managed…

Blowing It Scenario #4-Hating On Tom Brady

Might Just Be Blowing It By Rooting Against Tom Brady. I’ve hated Tom Brady for many years. Mainly for beating some of my all time favorite teams. Sometimes the Patriots seem to be shown favoritism or have a history of bending the rules. One of the biggest displays of favoritism began his unprecedented championship run….