It Is Said That You Are The Sum Total Of The Five People You Keep Associations with Most. These associations matter. They matter when you want to be a better person and they matter when you find yourself in the gutter. Look around you and see who you spend your time with and see how…
Tag: fail
Big Pharma Disinformation Campaigns, Funding Denial Studies #206.
3 Businesses Like Big Pharma Uses This Tactic All The Time To Derail Opposition And Insure The Bottom Line. At The Expense Of The Individuals. Oil companies will fund climate change denial data, Food companies will fund FDA reports with misinformation. Chemical companies will deny adverse health effects upon ecology and biology. And pharma companies…
Making False Reviews Online #203.
A Woman In Australia Was Ordered To Pay $370,000 Plus Legal Fees To A Plastic Surgeon. She Made False Claims About in a Google Review. Be sure to get your story straight when writing reviews, or it could cost you. Although this seems like a fair outcome from spreading false information about a business and…
Blowing It Scenario #9-How High End Smart Phones Are Blowing It.
High End Smartphone Makers Alike Have Failed Us In Many Ways. Smart phones have changed nearly every facet of life for almost of us, over the past decade. In some ways for the better, but in many more for theĀ worse. Never before have we willing carried devices that can track our every moves. It…
Blowing It Scenario #6-Doctors And The U.S. Gymnastics Team Blew It
How Doctors Are Failing Us. Exposed Through The Lens Of The U.S. Gymnastics Team. It recently came out that the women’s U.S. gymnastics team doctor has been molesting the team for years. Hundreds of poor innocent children, girls who couldn’t know any better. Girls who just wanted to become the best in the world at…
Blowing It Scenario #2-Star Wars (many will disagree)
The Ways In Which Star Wars Blew It. (spoilers) Recently I went to see the newest film in the Star Wars franchise. The Last Jedi. Albeit a pretty good movie but to me it failed for one specific reason. Before that I must tell a little back story. The original Star Wars Trilogy was created…